Monday, August 31, 2015

Quiz 6

1.  What is the tag you use to insert an image on your page?

2.  What is the attribute that you have to add to your tag to direct the browser? 
3.  How is an image tag different from a <p> tag or <h>  tag?
The <img> tag doesn't need a closing tag

4.  Where do you put the image tag if you want to have an image as a link? 
 Between the <a> and </a> tags
5.  Practice adding images on your page.  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Quiz 5

1.  What were hyperlinks or "links" originally called?

2.  What tag do you use when creating a hyperlink?

3.  What do you have to include in your "a" tag to make it a hyperlink?

4.   Do you have an "About", "Contact" and "Welcome" page?  If not, create them now and include a small amount of information about yourself on your "About" page.  Include an address and phone number on the "Contact" page (it can be fake).

5.  Create a new folder and a "Products" page. 

6.  If you create a new folder and want to link to a page in the folder, what would the code include that isn't in the code for the first links he shows you?
Slashes to indicate directory

7.  Can you use the "Browse" option when you are trying to link to pages that are on the internet?
 no you must type or copy the full address

8.  Include a hyperlink to the DVHS homepage on your Welcome page or Index.

9.  If you want to open a new tab when you click on a link what code do you include?

10.  Go to the "Media Productions Share" folder (on the desktop).  Copy the PDF file called "technical-standards-web-page-dev..."  to your desktopThen move it into your folder for your website. Use this page to follow along with his instructions. 

11.  Reflection: Why would you want to have some links lead to a new tab? 
 Some content, such as pictures and pdf files, should open on separate tabs because they are not part of the ACTUAL website. They are instead pieces of information that can be accessed by visiting the website. Only navigational links within the website should open in the same tab.

Quiz 4

1.  What are the 4 types of tags that are covered in this tutorial?
 <html> <head> <body> <div>

2.  Every HTML document begins with what?
 <!doctype html> statement

3.  What is the first and last tag in your document?
 <html> and </html>

4.  Anytime you write code to tell your web browser something it goes where?
 In the <head> tag

5.  Where does your content go for the webpage?
 In the <body> tag

6.  How do you maintain the readability of the code?

7.  What is another way to type the code below that wouldn't change the function on a browser but would change how it looks in the code view?
<head><title>Put your content here</title></head>

8.  If you want to change the name of the browser tab where do you change the code?
 The <title> tag

9.  How does Google decide what shows up in the search engine?
 It indexes the <title> tag

10.  What tag do you use to divide a page?

11.  Make sure you have content for your page.  It should look similar to the content on the tutorial.  If you don't have content use his page to type out your content now.

12.  What is the shortcut key for opening your page in a browser? (he doesn't say it but you can find it by looking for the shortcut when he opens his "view in browser" button)

13.  Did you name your divisions?  If not, do it now.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Blog

On Friday, 3 Americans, traveling on a train in France, subdued an armed gunman as he began an attack on the train. A man from Morocco drew out a gun and began to open fire on the passengers. They tackled him and after a rough fight, where one man was cut several times on the head and neck, were able to beat him unconscious and hog-tie him until the train arrived at the station. They saved countless lives with their bravery and were awarded France's highest recognition of honor.

North Korea launched a single shell at a South Korean military unit. In retaliation, South Korea returned fire over the DMZ (demilitarized zone) into the location from which the shell had been fired. It is believed that the North Koreans may have been targeting a South Korean propaganda loudspeaker, which hasn't been done for years. As tensions escalated over the incident, the 2 countries signed a peace agreement Monday afternoon.

Quiz 3

1.   He compares a webpage to a ________.

2.  What is the language that websites are written in?

3.  What are the titles of the four aspects of every webpage?
 Structure HTML, Presentation CSS, Context Text/Images, Action Javascript/PHP

4.  What are the three main steps to starting a web page?
 1. Create page structure - HTML
 2. Add sample content to structure
 3. Create page presentation - CSS - formatting and positioning

5.  What does HTML stand for?  (You'll need to look this up online)
Hypertext Markup Language

6.  What are the two tags used in HTML?
 structural and semantic tags

7.  What does  <p> stand for?  (What is it called?)

8.  What does a slash (For Example : <p/>)  mean? 
 It represents a closing tag to an earlier tag

9.  What does the <h> mean in Dreamweaver?
 It creates a title in sizes 1-6

10.  Does HTML recognize extra lines in the code view?

11.  What does the asterix ( * ) mean on the tab at the top of your page?
 That there are unsaved changes to the document.

12.  Do you have to use a closing tag with the <br>?

13.  What does <li> stand for?
 "list item"

14.  How do you change from an unordered or bulleted list to an ordered or numbered list?
 <ul> = unordered list
 <ol> = ordered list

15.  Does HTML recognize tabs?

Friday, August 21, 2015

Quiz 2

1.  What is the site folder also called?
The site folder is also called the root folder

2.  When you select the "folder" icon in Adobe products, where will it take you?
It will take you to a dialogue box to choose the location to save your website

3.  Did you create a new site?  If not, do so now.  Be able to show it to Mr. L.

4.  How do you create a new folder inside the site folder?
Right click and select "New Folder"

5.  How do you sort the folders in your site?
 Click on the "Local Files" button at the top of the files tab

6.  What are the two basic types of files we'll be working with in Dreamweaver?
.html and .css

7.  What is the way your browser knows to open the first page in your website?
The homepage is called "index.html"

8.  When you name a page what is the default that Dreamweaver uses?

9.  Did you create a "Styles" page?  Do so now and be able to show it to Mr. L.

10. What should you never do with files in Dreamweaver?
Arrange them with your computer's file manager

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Quiz 1

1.  How do you collapse a tab?
Double click the title of the tab

2.  How do you open a panel that you can't find on your screen?
Use the "window" tab

3.  How do you change your panel view so you can only see the categories of the panels (fully collapsed)?
Click the double arrow in the top right of the panel

4.  What is the name of the tab that appears when he opens the first of his sample pages?
 He opens the files tab

5.  How do you close all the open documents at once?
File > Close All

6.  What are the two basic views in Dreamweaver?
Code and Design

7.  What is split view used for?
Viewing both the code and design viewers

8.  What view will we use most of the time?
The code view

Monday, August 17, 2015


In this unit I learned some of the basic skills of photoshop, including, blending, layering, masking, and painting.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

 8.3 Identify the proper configuration for client email including client setup parameters (username and password),protocols and port numbers, and security issues
16.3 Apply the principle of usability in design (user experience)
19.1 Explain the need for understanding a target audience in order to create appropriate marketing strategies for a successful website

Reflection: On Monday the whole class participated in an activity to introduce ourselves to each other. We went around the class, and each person stood up, said their name, and then said their favorite animal. After discussing the importance of interaction within the classroom, Mr. Larsen then told all the students to get up and move to the tiled area of the room. There we all participated in an activity that required us to both shake hands and introduce ourselves to several people we had never met.
On Tuesday, Mr. Larsen informed us that we would be creating and maintaining a blog throughout the year. We began by either signing into gmail or creating a gmail account. Then we navigated to the Blogger website, where we created the blog and named it after ourselves. WE then were told to send an email that included the web address of our blogs to Mr. Larsen. For the remainder of the class, we were allowed to design and customize the blog to suit our own personal style.

Future Plans:
5.1 Investigate components of the internet
5.2 Examine the impact of the internet on the world
5.4 Examine cloud-based computing and how it works
7.1 Identify the hardware and software of a server
7.4 Differentiate among shared hosting, dedicated server, and virtual private server
9.2 Explain the steps necessary to post content to a server
10.3 Demonstrate appropriate HTML coding including elements, attributes, values, and syntax
12.3 Explain how to control DOM using client-side scripting
12.4 Demonstrate how to use JavaScript libraries and frameworks (e.g., jQuery, AngularJS, Node.js)
12.5 Create event triggers using JavaScript (e.g., onclick and onmouseover)
12.7 Demonstrate the proper way to write an embedded, inline, and external script
13.1 Explain the purpose of server-side programming language such as PHP, RUBY, and to  create dynamic web pages
13.3 Develop a dynamic web page
17.1 Explain procedures and concepts used to maintain data integrity and security (e.g., access control, authentication, encryption, secure socket layers, access security tools, auditing, and secure electronic transactions via log in after access control
17.2 Describe security issues related to the network, computer hardware, software, and data
17.3 Identify computer threats and methods to protect a computer (e.g., viruses, phishing, e-mail, social engineering, spoofing, identify theft, spamming)
17.4 Explain concepts such as denial of service, hacking/cracking, intrusion, detection, and prevention (e.g., two-step authentication, biometrics, captias)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ideas for Class

  1. Learn how to create, host, and maintain a website
  2. Learn about information security and how "experts" keep systems secure
  3. Learn how to use the command prompt
  4. Learn how to design a template for a website
  5. Learn how people and companies are able to maintain a server
  6. Learn what it means to maintain a server
  7. Learn how to integrate data from multiple servers into a single area
  8. Design a "drag and drop" code game (like Scratch)
  9. Begin to learn the basics of a "C" language
  10. Learn to do 3D modeling