Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Quiz 5

1.  What were hyperlinks or "links" originally called?

2.  What tag do you use when creating a hyperlink?

3.  What do you have to include in your "a" tag to make it a hyperlink?

4.   Do you have an "About", "Contact" and "Welcome" page?  If not, create them now and include a small amount of information about yourself on your "About" page.  Include an address and phone number on the "Contact" page (it can be fake).

5.  Create a new folder and a "Products" page. 

6.  If you create a new folder and want to link to a page in the folder, what would the code include that isn't in the code for the first links he shows you?
Slashes to indicate directory

7.  Can you use the "Browse" option when you are trying to link to pages that are on the internet?
 no you must type or copy the full address

8.  Include a hyperlink to the DVHS homepage on your Welcome page or Index.

9.  If you want to open a new tab when you click on a link what code do you include?

10.  Go to the "Media Productions Share" folder (on the desktop).  Copy the PDF file called "technical-standards-web-page-dev..."  to your desktopThen move it into your folder for your website. Use this page to follow along with his instructions. 

11.  Reflection: Why would you want to have some links lead to a new tab? 
 Some content, such as pictures and pdf files, should open on separate tabs because they are not part of the ACTUAL website. They are instead pieces of information that can be accessed by visiting the website. Only navigational links within the website should open in the same tab.

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