Monday, March 7, 2016

TED Talk

This talk was about the future of technology. He said that the capacity of technology is nearly doubling every year, and that by the 2020s we will have reverse-engineered the human brain. He also talked a lot about how nano-technology is advancing extremely fast and that it will soon be able to help improve our lives in everything from medicine to energy production. He used many graphs and analogies to explain how he can predict this, and showed us very clearly that technology is advancing at an exponential rate, and that it will lead to things that we cannot even imagine right now. One of the most important factors of advancement is to be predictive and adjust for the future: tomorrow's technology cannot be created using today's tools. He also talked about how technology will affect the world economy, and expressed confidence that the world will be able to keep up with it based on the data that he has compiled.

1. How often does the capacity of technology double?

2. What word describes the trend that technology is growing?

3. When and why did most of the work for the Human Genome Project occur?

4. How much sunlight must be captured to fulfill the worlds energy demands in 2030?

5. What type of cells does he show being replaced by nano-technology in his animation?

6. How does the price of a transistor today compare to one in the 70s?

7. How much has the world poverty rate declined since the 1990s?

8. According to him, why do 90% of technology related projects fail?

9. When will we have reverse engineered the human brain by?

10. What are some uses for nano-technology?

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